Here Are Some Fundamentals Of Concreting

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Most of us know a concrete mixture needs three main constituents, and to prepare this mixture, we need water. The raw materials are cement, sand, and aggregates.

Concreting is the essential process in a construction project, followed by reinforcement formwork. Concreting activities are widely used in major structural elements like foundations, beams, columns, walls, slabs, etc.

We all know that preparing a mixture of concrete needs three main elements. Those elements are cement, sand, and aggregates.

The most crucial step in a construction project is pouring concrete. After that, reinforcement and formwork are the next most important steps. Concrete work is often done on major building parts like foundations, beams, columns, walls, slabs, and so on.

Must Follow Steps Followed During Concreting 


If you want to create a strong foundation, then these steps are essential during concreting:


Creating the right mix of concrete is important. During the batching,  the concrete measures the ratios of concrete materials such as cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, and water to create concrete structures.

There are two methods for batching. The first is volume batching, and weight batching is the second.

Concrete material measurements in volume batching are always taken in volume, whereas measurements in weight batching are taken by weight.


In making concrete, the materials are mixed in the right amounts until the paste is different colours and consistent.

Also, there are two ways to mix. The first is mixing by hand, and the second by machine.

Points you should not forget:  To get the best quality of concrete, parts of concrete should be mixed first when they are dry and then when they are wet.

Transportation: When you mix the concrete raw materials properly, you must take them to the construction site. As a result, concrete is transported to the job site. Finally, the concrete is precisely placed in the formworks to form structures. This is referred to as transportation.

The mixture of concrete can be transported in two different ways. Manual transportation is the primary way, and the second is Mechanical transportation.

Compaction: In this process, you can get rid of air bubbles in freshly poured concrete during the concrete process. It will make concrete stronger by making the bond between the reinforcement and the concrete stronger.

You Should Have Some Information Before Concreting.

  • Concrete grade and its type.
  • Cement quality to be used.
  • Size of aggregates.
  • The total cost of concrete.
  • Concrete Mix design.
  • The process of mixing the concrete.
  • Type of equipment and workforce used.
  • Quality control during Tests on concrete.

How Much Money Will It Cost For Concreting? 

The cost of concreting depends on factors like location, raw material cost, labour charge, equipment, etc. It depends upon the season, also. So predominantly, the estimate of the creation process will be based on concrete per meter.

The cost of concreting varies from location to location due to the cost of available raw materials, labour, and equipment. So, first and foremost, an estimate of the price of concrete per meter cube rate analysis should be performed.

List Of Crucial Points That May Affect The Rate Of Concreting:


  • Place of the work
  • The total volume of the concreting for the project
  • Types of Concrete Used in Construction
  • The availability of the raw material is required for concrete
  • Type and the quality of the raw materials to be used
  • Methods of concreting
  • Height of the concrete structure
  • Rate of admixtures that are needed during concreting

Note: There Are Two Types Of Concrete 

  • PCC (plain cement concrete)
  • RCC (reinforced cement concrete)

The main difference between these two points is that PCC has no steel reinforcement, and RCC has steel reinforcement.


Now you know how to concrete and what procedures and steps one should follow while concreting. The right amount of water, cement, and other ingredients is needed.

Now that you are well familiar with the entire concreting process and its raw materials, you can choose the best cement, well-graded aggregates, and sand for your project to build the best architecture for you. However, it is significant that you must have the best concreter for this work.

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