How To Diagnose Mitral Stenosis

Kate Westall
Kate Westall 4 Min Read

The heart is undoubtedly a complex organ of the human body. It is made up of so many small parts that all work in close sync with each other. The Mitral valve is also one of the most important parts of the heart. Located on the left side of the heart amidst the two chambers, it helps in the transportation of the blood. When this mitral valve opening gets narrowed due to certain reasons, it gives rise to a condition referred to as Mitral Valve Stenosis as per medical science.

Due to the narrowing down of this opening, the flow of blood through the mitral valve is affected adversely. As a result of this, the proper supply of blood across the heart also gets affected in negative manners. Numbers of other health issues related to the heart and even other body parts and organs may also arise along with this condition. Therefore it is important to make sure that this condition is diagnosed properly and well in time so that curative measures may be taken.

You may diagnose this condition by considering some points as follows:-

Take Note Of The Associated Symptoms

The first step to diagnose mitral stenosis is to take note of the associated symptoms. There is a number of symptoms that are commonly experienced by patients suffering from this condition. These may include shortness of breath, pain in the chest, coughing with or without blood, fatigue, infections in the respiratory system, swelling in the ankles and feet, change in the colour of cheeks from normal to pinkish or purplish tinge. If you notice any of these symptoms continue for a long time, you must consult with your healthcare experts immediately.

Get Yourself Physically Examined

Physical examination of the heart may also help in the diagnosis of mitral valve stenosis. A stethoscope is used for this type of examination. Echoing and snapping sounds from the heart are indicators of some problems with the working of the mitral valve.

Go Ahead With Medical Tests

In case, you are not satisfied with all these tests, you must go ahead with medical tests that may finally confirm the occurrence of mitral valve stenosis. You may have to undergo a chest x-ray, electrocardiogram, cardiac catheterization and some other tests as prescribed by your cardiac specialist. In all such tests, the complete anatomy of the heart is taken into account so that the normal function of all the parts may be checked and confirmed. It is an easy and efficient way to detect any issues with the mitral valve.

Undergo Stress Test

It may sound to be strange but a stress test is also prescribed to diagnose mitral stenosis. It is done so as to take note of how your response to physical stress. Any stress on the heart during physical activity may indicate the occurrence of this condition.

By taking into account some of the most common symptoms associated with mitral valve stenosis and aided by medical tests in the related field, you may certainly diagnose this medical condition. Timely diagnosis surely helps in proper treatment of the same so that any further damage to the heart may be prevented.

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I am Kate Westall, a freelance writer, and a professional blogger, who enjoys enlightening others about unknown and little-known facts. I love to write on all general and professional topics like Home Improvement, Fashion, Health, Travel etc.