Patients are treated on treatment tables for physio therapy, massage, examination, and chiropractic. When purchasing the best physical therapy tables, there are several aspects to consider because this is a one-time investment and you will be spending a significant amount of money on them initially.
When you begin your search for physio therapeutic treatment tables, you will see several alternatives available with varying features and quality.The table is crucial for any physiotherapist, massage therapist, or chiropractor.
Highlighted Some Of The Most Significant Factors To Consider While Selecting A Physio -Therapeutic Treatment Table.
Consider Checking The Width
The width of the physio therapy table must be chosen with the various body sizes that you will be working on in mind. You may come across the slimmest or broadest of all. You cannot have a table that does not support a wide range of body shapes since it will embarrass the customer and create an unpleasant scenario for you.
The Dimensions As Well
You will not only come across individuals of all proportions, but you will also come across people of various heights. As a result, you may also have children as clients. As a result, selecting a physio -therapy table of typical height is critical not too low for a tall person and not too high for a short person. The physio therapy table’s height should also be suitable for you since you may wind up with backache or shoulder and neck problems.
Check The Weight Carrying Capacity
Look for therapeutic treatment tables that can support up to 600 pounds. You require a robust and long-lasting table that can support any amount of weight for extended periods. You don’t want your physio-therapy table to give up on you after a few weeks or months. You should give importance to the weight bearing factor. This will help the table carry the weights of physio-therapy patients with ease.
Check The Weight Of The Table
If you want to work as a mobile physio therapist, you’ll need portable therapeutic treatment tables. Because you will be carrying the table with you everywhere you go, it should be light in weight. You should have an easier time loading and unloading the table. These tables are available with the capability of supporting massive amounts of weight.
Check The Material Quality
The physio therapist treatment tables are offered in two materials: wood and aluminum. Back in the day, the tables were constructed of various metals that rusted and squeaked with time. They were also heavy, making it difficult to transport them from one location to another. Because of its elegant appearance, lightweight, and strength, aluminum has recently been the top choice of therapists. Wood tables are available in the same grade as aluminum tables; there is no significant difference between the two, although metal is stronger than wood.
Additional Characteristics
If you’re short on room in your office, search for therapeutic treatment tables with shelves attached to them and cabinets beneath. There is a chance that you will be tending to customers who are confined to a wheelchair. If the table is within your budget, you may choose a physio therapy table with the function of easily transferring the patient from the chair to the table without causing any suffering. Choose a table with automated head adjustment so you don’t have to bother with manually adjusting the table.
If you’re not sure if the size and height of the physio therapy treatment tables are right for you, go to your local showroom or any physio therapy facility and ask to see the many types of tables they offer so you can judge for yourself.