Kate Westall
Kate Westall 5 Min Read
Most of the people generally call professionals for the split system installation. But, if a person has some electrical or plumbing work experience, then he can easily install a split air conditioner without professional help. Each split system consists of a uniquely designed ductless air conditioner. The proper installation is a very important part of the split system as it can affect the functioning of the air conditioner. Improper installation can also hamper its efficiency.
The first step in the split system installation includes the installation of the indoor unit on the wall inside the room where it is to be fitted. It is advisable to choose an unobstructed area.
Some of the things which should be kept in mind before the installation are as follows:
  • Always try to keep the system away from sunlight and other heat sources.
  • The minimum amount of space which is needed to install the indoor unit is 15cm or 6 inches. It should be placed at a minimum height of 7 feet or 2.13 metersfrom the ground.
  • The wall on which the air conditioner is to be fitted should be strong enough to hold its weight.
  • Keep the system away from radio, television, intercoms, home security systems, andother such devices which can cause electrical sound.
The next process in the split system installation involves deciding where to keep the outdoor unit. The outdoor unit is required to place properly for the efficient functioning of the entire system. Below are the tips which should be considered before the installation process:
  • The outdoor unit must be placed or installed somewhere where there is a free flow of air; preferably a terrace.
  • The place should not have any hindrances that can block the free flow of air and thus lead to the inappropriate working of the system. It can even heat up the compressor coil and lead to an accident.
  • The base where the outdoor unit is to be kept should be strong enough to hold it for a longer period of time. If the platform is weak, the vibration can cause a fissurein the wall or the platform and the entire effort on the split system installation would be of no use.
After this, check the electrical connections of your house. Connecting the cable wires and screwing them properly to the terminals is a very important part in the split system installation process. Try to follow the instructions which are provided with the system. Then connect the pipes which would connect the indoor unit to hole for the water outlet. Try to make a minimum bend as possible for proper functioning. PVC pipes are the best for this purpose.
Also, do not forget to fix strong brackets which can hold the outer unit. Align the brackets horizontally with fasteners. Finally, place the outer unit on the brackets. Finally, start with the wiring processes. Connect all the cable wires as instructed in the manual which has been provided with the system. Also, do not forget to place a concrete pad. To minimize vibration, a rubber surface can be used to avoid it from further damage during winters.
The final stage in the split system installation includes securing the wires and the pipes properly. The pipes can be secured with wall clamps. And then lock the cover up the hole which was made for the pipe installation with expandable polyurethane foam. Installation of the air conditioner can be tedious and tough job, but if done with proper techniques and instructions, it can be done with great ease and less mess even without professional help.
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I am Kate Westall, a freelance writer, and a professional blogger, who enjoys enlightening others about unknown and little-known facts. I love to write on all general and professional topics like Home Improvement, Fashion, Health, Travel etc.