Tips For Keeping Your Kitchen Looking Modern

Kate Westall
Kate Westall 3 Min Read

Kitchen is also important and acts as a heart for your home. So one should not miss the planning while redesigning or building the kitchen. You can have a look at the following tips keeping your kitchen look modern and spacious at the same time.

Remove Wasted Steps

This is the basic step to follow while planning your kitchen so it can save your time and efforts as well and your kitchen will look more spacious and free at the same time. For example, you can store breakfast bowls and containers near the breakfast table to make them handier and keep your kitchen look clean at the same time. This is just the basic example you can go to make your kitchen look contemporary too.

Find The Right Height For the microwave

I would suggest you can go for options like B58VT68H0B which is a built-in oven with added steam function which is all in one option for your kitchen keeping it more spacious. For adults, 15 inches above countertop level is a good microwave height.

Let Lazy Susan Do the Work

Lazy Susan are spinning trays or turntables that not only allow you to use up all of your cabinet and counter space by utilising precious vertical space that is oftentimes under-utilised and wasted, but it also lets you maximise spaces that you might not otherwise use because it’s too difficult to reach or access—such as the corner space in a cabinet. You must have heard about these spinning trays which are turntable that not only allow you to use all your kitchen cabinets but also helps in saving and using your kitchen vertical space too. It also maximizes the space that you have not used otherwise just because it is not easy to access by each family member. You can use the corner space of your home for this.


Let’s arrange Your Shelf

Try keeping your kitchen shelf behind the range to keep cooking oils, utensils and spices boxes handy. You can also use hooks to hang your pots and pans over it.

Go For Recycling

Keep a space for glass plastic and metal containers and bottles and old newspaper which can be reused in the kitchen.

Think About Your Kids Too

While designing the kitchen make sure you do take care to keep some low-level shelves so that kids can reach for their favorite dishes and candies easily.

So these were a few tips to keep your kitchen modern.

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I am Kate Westall, a freelance writer, and a professional blogger, who enjoys enlightening others about unknown and little-known facts. I love to write on all general and professional topics like Home Improvement, Fashion, Health, Travel etc.