Why Are Granny Flat Builders Growing In Popularity?

ashley kinsela
ashley kinsela 5 Min Read
Granny flat builders have radically become very important in the realty market. With an increase in the prices for houses and additional income due to renting out properties, homeowners are looking for different ways to supplement their regular income. In a way, looking to finish paying off their loan as soon as possible.
In addition, these builders are in great demand for people who already own investment properties, as they are able to build granny flats that work out much cheaper as compared to regular homes. Also, granny flat builders play an increasingly important role in increasing the overall rent yield of the existing property by building an efficient granny flat.
Some experts believe that granny flat builders play an instrumental role in dramatically reducing the shortage in the number of houses in already crowded suburban and metropolitan areas. However, there is still a debate on this. Some people argue that the granny flats built by granny flat builders don’t add the intended value to the existing property making it hard to sell in the market. Some sellers believe that granny flats have a limited number of buyers in the market.
Before making a decision on choosing a granny flat builder, it is very crucial for the user to keep a very close eye on the benefits of cash flow and the impact on the resale value. Based on the findings, some people may opt to invest in a different type of property together.

What Are Granny Flats Good For

granny flat builder

The granny flat builders are able to design the granny flat in a way that it can be used as a multipurpose environment. Some of the uses of granny flat are
  • Home offices

The granny flat builder is able to build flat in a way that is can act as a home office. People are able to work efficiently and productively in the environment. The lighting and the ventilation are optimum and comfortable for all the people in the household.
  • Housing elderly parents

The granny flat builder is able to understand the needs of the elderly at the homes and understand how to build certain parts of the home. He/she should talk to the elderly people in a proper manner and offer suggestions on how well the granny flat can be accessible to them. Overall, the builder is able to understand how to make old people comfortable in the house.
  • Place of Stay for Young Couples

Even though, the granny flats are cheap, the builder do not compromise on quality. If no elder people is in the household, granny flats are usually used as a place of stay for young married couples. Since they will have many friends coming over for weekend parties, the flat should catch the attention of the guests. Hence, the granny flat builder understand the entire household preferences of style and build the flat.
  • Hobby space

Along with understanding the personality of the household members, granny flat builders understand the hobbies of the individuals. This is because some people prefer to use the granny flats as spaces for their recreation.
  • More Bedrooms

Many people look at granny flats as an option that adds more bedrooms. Hence, granny flat builders take extra care while building the bedrooms. He/she ensure that the toilet and bathrooms in the bedrooms are built with the best material and ensure that they are easily accessible.
One more advantage of hiring a good granny flat builder is that he/she will be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of granny flats. For example, many house owners do not know that granny flats cannot be transferred to a separate ownership title. A granny flat builder will know this and might explain about this to the house owner. Thus, saving money and time in every aspect.
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